Saturday, April 2, 2011

Bobby at 7 Months

Bobby - you are 7 whole months old! you are no longer content in my arms or are on the move!...(like knees under the belly crawling like a pro and doing it fast! he also learned a new trick and likes to pull himself up to standing on dressers, steps, our ottomans, anything he can grab...that is why i included that last show you his new trick) i dont believe that a 7 month old should do this and try telling you to just laugh...

you are also starting to make sounds more - like dadadada (of course because your daddy started you on it like day 2). you are also not wanting to nurse this month. (he is doing better...i am still nursing 3-4 times a day, but the rest of the time i pump and he takes a bottle.) this is another shock to me that my baby is growing up...not so happy about it...but he is sleeping through the night most nights and for that i am extremely grateful. i am starting to feel like i can make it through a day and the fog of exhaustion is thank you bobby!

you are still such a happy baby and make everyone around you smile - you exude joy and that is always contagious. we can tell you may just be the peacekeeper between your 2 older already are in a lot of ways!

you love the backpack and the bjorn (which daddy wears often) you are not such a fan of the ergo...but we are working on love facing the world and you want to see everything that is going on and don't want to miss a second of it!

you helped me model a zoodie this week - you make the cutest bunny ever...sorry if this causes any sort of issues later...i'll help pay for therapy...

you also started taking baths with your brothers...some really only are in there for like 5 minutes until bodie tries to wrestle you or bryson tries to pick you up and then i rescue you...but you love bath time...and you love your brothers...its so fun to watch!

we love you sweet Bobby B.!

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