Sunday, December 5, 2010

An Update

hopefully i will get some time in the office this week to post some more pics and finish my colorado post...but until then a quick brain fart update:

* bodie hit his head this week harder than i have ever seen a kid hit their head...i called my sister about concussion symptoms...there was a dent...and then a goose egg of epic proportions...he is since doing fine...

* we only put up christmas lights in the backyard this makes me smile though every time!

* bryson has entered his "emo" phase...after a time out because he disobeyed he was crying and asked, "why don't you just sell me away?" to keep myself from laughing i asked him, "who do you think would buy you, Bryson?" to which he had no reply.

* bobby has found his hands and has also developed a "mad" sound...too bad its super cute and we just laugh at the poor little guy...

* bodie has been cracking us all up with his word explosions - he seriously has like 10 new words a day and is putting sentences together in amazing ways. its weird that this little person we have known for almost 2 years is now speaking his mind. he loves to sing his favorite songs, "yo ho, yo ho pirate ME!" and "inkle bells, all da WAAAAY" and "dragon puncha!"...he is very into praying and always says "Ahman"...he loves to make me smile with his face that he makes, which we call "face"

* i was so proud at myself for finishing my Christmas shopping and intended to make a bunch of home-made gifts and then zoodies orders piled sorry get gift cards

* the only music i have been listening to lately is Christmas music, natch...we listen to XM channel 23 - Holly - we heard this song and were a little amazed! and of course Amy Grant and I am loving the Bebe and Cece Winans album my dad gave me a while back.

* our Jesse Tree is going smashing...i am quite happy with myself that we have done all 5 days without a hitch. Bryson is loving it AND retaining the info! amazing to me...i so so recommend doing this - puts advent into perspective!

that is all...hope you all are well and that you are enjoying this beautiful advent season!


  1. Um - yeah - orders came late this year. I was thinking it wasn't really that crazy and then the last three days happened - and now I'm f-r-e-a-k-i-n-g out! Hope you get them all done. :)

  2. we joked that it would be a good problem to have Whitney!...its not so funny a joke right now!
