Monday, November 8, 2010

cleaning out the garage...barnes style...

this weekend was crazy productive for us. we didnt leave the house at all and planned to conquer a big project - the GARAGE.

since we moved we upgraded from boxes to plastic bins...they are bryan's nemesis. he created a space in the garage to be his work-out room. problem is that our garage also stores all my hobbies too....the beer kits and fabrics (oh my how did i get that much fabric?) and zoodies inventory.

we should have taken a before shot, but i believe we must have had at least 20 bins. i think we got rid of most of them.

 there were 3 bins of costume/dress up stuff - that we have accumulated through years of dress-up parties and halloweens. so, of course, we had to play in that for a good while...even bodie wanted in on the act...

when i met bryan he seldom drifted from elastic banded bottoms and t-shirts. he used to wear this outfit for reals....the shorts were in better shape then...i dont exactly know whey they are ripped to shreds...

i have tried to get rid of this outfit no less than 5 times throughout our marriage and each time he somehow finds out and stops the mutiny. sometimes when we are fighting he would put it on and walk around the would of course cause me to laugh...i let him keep it only as a "working" shirt, which is why there is paint on it and chlorine ate through it. very sentimental this guy is...

then there is me...i wanted to throw away my letterman's jacket and he threw a fit...."you dont throw away your letterman jacket"  - i think i was saving it in case i had a little girl and she might want it someday...its a girly letterman jacket...

i also wanted to throw away some photo albums - but i guess throwing away pictures is verboten...which i think is silly...i dont need a million pictures of the same thing...

so, then this whole debate started about how i have so much STUFF (like my fabric stash for example) and why do i care about keeping a jacket...which is so so so different to me because i USE the fabric - it will serve a purpose/function...i will most likely never use the jacket or the photo albums...

i think every marriage has a hoarder and a throw-awayer...i somehow am both, but tend not to collect STUFF just to keep and not do anything with.

but i am AMAZED that we did this together and did not fight and worked together well and yay for us (patting myself on the back) because that is NOT typical of us doing something like this...because our processes are so so different.

now our garage is ready for p90x...90 days of a lot of exercise...90 days of busting booty...anyone want to join our gym? its free? we are going to try to recruit others so that we are highly highly motivated to follow through with it...

The After Shot

Fabric Bookcase

Zoodie Bookcase

Workout Station


  1. I love that your fourth son (Donny) made an appearance, too. ; )

  2. jenny - you gunna p90x it with us??? its on your way to work!!!!!!
