Monday, July 16, 2012

Welcome Riley Kajsa!

Would you look at this little angel? How perfect she is? I may be a little biased...being her auntie and all...but my goodness..this little ball of joy has me a perfect blubbery mess. I was talking to Bryan last night and told him that I didnt realize I would be so emotional about this baby...I knew I would be happy...but didn't think I would be crying this much. (His response was, uh...really? cause everyone else knew) Every time i see her...every time i hold her...every time i think of her i go again. Let me just say I am in love! So over the moon excited to get to hold her and meet her and watch my sister become a mommy. So fun!

My sister did amazing. She was 6 days past her due date and very emotional and very ready to meet this baby. She had irregular contractions and said she didn't quite know when to get to the hospital, but when she did she was already at 7! She had the baby naturally at the hospital and she said her birth experience was amazing (except the pushing...she wasnt a fan of the pushing) and peaceful and everyone at the hospital respected her wished for a drug-free birth and even encouraged her! i am beyond thrilled that she had such a good experience. Beyond proud that she did it and beyond grateful that the baby is healthy and perfect.

I keep plotting how to get over there and hold that own babies are a bit of a hurdle. i come home though and hug them tight and try to get them to stop growing. i can barely remember when they were sleeping sacks of potatoes. why does it go by in a heartbeat? and why do some stages seem to last a lifetime? My little framed "This too shall pass" is my daily reminder of that...both the good and the bad!

Thank you to all of you for your prayers! And keep them coming! She is recovering slowly and hasnt slept since last wednesday...and if you are a mom you know exactly how hard it all is - being exhausted and in pain and needed all the time. but she is truly happy and such a natural - it is so fun to watch how in love with her baby she is and what a good mommy she already is...that little girl is one lucky lady to have such amazing parents and so many people around waiting to love on her! Praise the Lord!

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