Friday, July 8, 2011

Summer Time and the Living is Sorta (not really) Easy

We have been trying super hard to enjoy this has always been difficult for us as pool business owners to actually enjoy our summers. everything is so heightened...people all of the sudden care about their pools...and not just care, but their very life and breath depends on their pool working and clean...goodness...dont get between los angelers and their pools on a hot day...just don't...its not pretty...anyway - this is our first summer with THREE kids...none of which are in any type of day care...none of which like to stay at home, especially in a home that lacks air conditioning.

I can not complain...but i do...but i shouldn't because Long Beach doesn't see temps usually above 80...but our little house likes to stay nice and super warm while the outside is much more we have been getting ourselves out and about and trying not to stress too much while enjoying ourselves. its a challenge these days...but we have found ourselves all over - disneyland, the aquarium, the beach...lots and lots of beach time, the park, nature walks, lots and lots of picnics - at farmers market and concerts in the park, nice long walks, lots of backyard water fun and of course watermelon...lots and lots of watermelon...bobby has probably eaten an entire watermelon over the course of 4 weeks.

so here we are in the middle of summer and trying to soak it all in. the summer of learning patience and faith and trusting that hard work will eventually *someday* pay off...and that in the midst of it, we still need to take time to sit at the beach and stare at the ocean and thank God for our many blessings...especially these three blessings in particular...even if sometimes they feel less like a blessing and more like a...uhhh...non-blessing lets just say. because i hope i don't make this three kid business come across as easy...cause it ain't! its not all corn on the cob and sandy buns and watermelon bellies...its a lot of hot-sweaty-over tired ugliness and whining and battle of wills and you know...and if you don't know i am sure you can imagine...but all to say...we are trying our derndest to make the most of what we have and hold tight to our beliefs and thank the Lord for what we got...because a thankful heart will help quell a complaining spirit most of the time...

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